Creating the best waterproof cases on the market

Across the globe, there are many waterproof case manufacturers striving to produce the perfect protection and transportation solution. For years, the Peli and Pelican Products brand has been known for creating the most sought-after designs and features incorporated into a waterproof case. The concept and principle of a waterproof case seems simple enough, so what truly sets the market leaders apart from the rest when it comes to manufacturing a waterproof case?
Individual Components Working Together
Producing the ultimate, entirely watertight case is never the result of one component alone. The reliability, robustness and material properties of each element need to meet the highest of quality control standards.
It all starts with a super reliable, supremely manufactured neoprene O-ring seal that’s chemically inert and resists the test of time. Without this neoprene component, a waterproof case is simply no longer fit for its purpose.
The neoprene O-ring creates the seal between the waterproof case’s lid and base, and this is only truly reliable when adequate pressure is exerted onto the O-ring. Peli/Pelican have achieved the most waterproof solution thanks to the highly impact-resistant double-throw latches across its entire product range. Reliability is vital, the combination of the highest quality polypropylene, latch hinges and high-pressure locking is key to producing the ultimate watertight fit.
It's more than just the Waterproof Properties
As with all Peli/Pelican cases, purchases are not decided on just waterproof properties alone, its their ability to incorporate other features whilst remaining watertight and waterproof. Many other manufacturers have manual pressure equalisation valves to maintain a waterproof case and ensure it’s watertight. However, most Peli products have incorporated an automatic pressure equalisation valve that maintains full waterproofing. This is thanks to the technology of the Gore-Tex membrane built into the component, allowing air to pass in and out of the case whilst being hydrophobic – fantastic for air travel and other high-altitude situations.
Other Waterproof Case Alternatives
There are many other waterproof case alternatives on the market, however, time and time again, Peli cases are the preferred choice. Many other waterproof case manufacturers tend to make compromises to achieve one feature over another, this is where Peli provide excellence and manufacture the most well-rounded solutions on the market, with zero compromise.
Take a look at our range of waterproof cases today: