Worldwide hassle-free travel with a Peli case

We've all been there – the dreaded 4am alarm call, making sure you have everything prepared for your 7am flight – there's no denying that the task of catching a flight can be a stressful experience. Ensuring that your luggage is in check is probably the main aspect of that preparation, especially if you're carrying expensive equipment that you are relying on. We look at how Peli have designed the ultimate travelling companion to protect your precious equipment around the globe.
Practicality and Versatility
As an airline passenger, you're sure to have been stung by luggage charges, with crazy pricing based on 10kg weight increments. A vast range of the entire Peli catalogue has been designed with space efficiency in mind. Compact enough to fit into overhead/cabin luggage, a Peli Case could save you hundreds of pounds a year on luggage charges. Don't forget, you'll also feel lighter whilst queuing for check-in, knowing you haven't got to worry about that dreaded weigh in.
Having your luggage on-board often leads to the temptation of accessing your belongings. As you've seen with soda cans and tubes of crisps, changes in air pressure causes sealed units to expand and shrink, creating problems when opening various objects whilst airborne. Automatic pressure equalisation valves have been integrated into a Peli Case to prevent this, maintaining waterproofing and protecting your sensitive equipment from damage. Practicality and versatility are truly unrivalled when it comes to Peli design. Travel worry-free!
Enhanced Security
It's understandable that you may prefer to place your luggage in the hold on certain journeys, and this is when security can play on your mind. We've all seen luggage being thrown into the hold out the of window, it's safe to say your luggage is always heavily handled by ground staff.
The ultra-high impact structural copolymer used to construct all Peli Cases ensures of a crush-proof, dust-proof, chemical resistant and watertight design that cannot be found anywhere else on the market; there is zero chance of structural damage to your case whilst being thrown around. Super-solid ABS plastic double-throw latches are an integral part of the Peli Case design, capable of withstanding pulling forces up to 180kgs without damage or releasing - ideal for being thrown into the hold of an aircraft. You can rest assured that your case will be delivered on the conveyor fully intact with all of its contents.
The high traffic within airports leaves your belongings exposed to a wide range of individuals from across the world, you never know who is roaming around. When your luggage is waiting for you on the conveyor, you need to be able to prevent against quick, subtle interferences that can go unnoticed. Stainless-steel padlock protectors ensure that padlocks cannot be forcefully removed and contents stolen, keeping your equipment safe at every step of the luggage handling process.
Stainless-steel padlock protectors
Peace of Mind with Insurance
It's no secret that insurance companies tend to do their utmost to prevent from having to make a pay-out. Many insurers will not cover expensive, sensitive equipment if placed within the hold of an aircraft unless properly protected.
It's been noted that some insurers will automatically cover your valuables if used in conjunction with a Peli Case, even with no additional charge to your policy. A Peli Case should never compromise the integrity of your equipment, however, at Cases UK we understand that peace of mind is a priority - travelling with a Peli Case is one of very few solutions recognised by insurers. Stack the odds in your favour!
Superior Components, Greater Manoeuvrability
Hoisting heavier luggage around an airport, train station or through a hotel can be a frustrating task in itself. Sub-standard wheel systems and restrictive handles only result in your luggage steering itself, and your patience can start to wear thin! Peli always provide exceptional componentry that keeps you running smooth and straight across the world.
Peli wheel systems are manufactured with a super-tough, abrasion resistant, polyurethane plastic, suitable for withstanding extreme temperatures and the most abrasive surfaces imaginable. Longevity and smooth running is provided by stainless-steel ball bearings that are envied by competitors worldwide.
Ergonomic design has also been considered for ultimate comfort over longer periods, with rubber over moulded, fold down handles to prevent those painful pressure marks on hands. Larger cases also incorporate telescopic, retractable handles that are perfect to match the height of its user, preventing bad backs and allowing for hassle-free manoeuvring.
Polyurethane wheels with stainless-steel ball bearings
Travel Frustration Free
There's more to a Peli Case than meets the eye. Practicality, security, peace of mind, ease of transport, plus much more has been designed into Peli Cases. Make sure you can travel knowing your pains and frustrations can be covered and tackled along the way.
Take a look at our range of Peli Cases.